I have dyslexia and Smartreading changed my life!


SmartReading has changed my life! Thursday, 20th October, 2011, Groningen I am Niek Lijkelema 23 years old and I am studying Social Work Services. I was honoured when asked to write my story about Smart Reading and what effect it has had on my dyslexia. In answer to this question, I first want to share my life experience with you so you can get a better picture of the effects of SmartReading. I am a dyslectic; this was diagnosed in grade 4 of primary school. When they found out, my mother followed a course and started a practice at home. I [...]

I have dyslexia and Smartreading changed my life!2020-03-27T21:15:24+00:00

Does SmartReading work for me as a ten year old? The story of a 10 year old!


Submitted by e-mail: SmartReading & Dyslexia. Bas’s story (10 years old): Why we were motivated to follow the SmartReading training: Our son, Bas, is a 10-year old fantastic little boy. He is in Group 6 of primary school and was diagnosed as having dyslexia. In group 2 the signs were already obvious, but he was too young to be tested. (I’m a trained paramedic and teacher. I was very alert in watching for signs of possible dyslexia due to the heritability from his father’s side). In group 3 the reading process started off slowly. In group 4, the school’s counselling service [...]

Does SmartReading work for me as a ten year old? The story of a 10 year old!2020-03-27T21:14:13+00:00

Why does SmartReading have a beneficial effect on dyslexia?


The combination of SmartReading and Mind Mapping is excellent if you have trouble with spelling or with hearing the words in your head while you read. SmartReading teaches you how to read visually instead of reading word for word, as if you are reading out loud. This voice in your head will be greatly reduced. The ‘automation’ of reading has a beneficial effect on dyslexia. Thanks to Mind Mapping you’ll process the information in a visual way. The combination of Smart Reading and Mind Mapping makes you read faster and your spelling improves because the word to be spelt is seen [...]

Why does SmartReading have a beneficial effect on dyslexia?2020-03-27T21:11:08+00:00


Contact Info

Wilsonweg 2, 2182 LR Hillegom - Netherlands

Telefoon: +31.252.518.537

Mobiel: +316.5439.8521

Web: SmartReading

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