Do you also provide In-company Training Courses?


For In-Company training we provide smartReading online for teams. It often happens that someone takes the online smartReading course individually through open enrolment and then we are asked to provide the training for teams in the company. The participants will ad on their information to each other. This is great for problem solving and being more creative to implement the solutions.

Do you also provide In-company Training Courses?2020-03-27T16:15:09+00:00

I have the feeling that I read very slowly. Will that be measured during the training?


Yes, we measure that during the training. At the start of the training course we carry out a baseline measurement reading test. This determines your speed and comprehension. The speed is measured in words per minute and the comprehension in percentages.

I have the feeling that I read very slowly. Will that be measured during the training?2020-03-27T16:09:18+00:00

Is it possible to apply SmartReading to learn a new language?


SmartReading works in all languages. One condition however, is that you already have an acceptable range of vocabulary of the language you are reading. You should have some knowledge of the language including basic grammar. If basic vocabulary is lacking, SmartReading does not work. If however, a basis is there, the learning of the new language is even faster, thanks to SmartReading.

Is it possible to apply SmartReading to learn a new language?2020-03-27T16:07:52+00:00

Do you have to be relaxed? That seems impossible to me looking at the stress atmosphere in the office.


Most definitely. The stress factor is a key element in the training. We have several techniques that will teach you to cope with stress factors at work. These techniques have an effect on various areas. Reduced neck strains, reduced stomach complaints and less overall stress.

Do you have to be relaxed? That seems impossible to me looking at the stress atmosphere in the office.2020-03-27T16:06:26+00:00

How come you can understand more while reading faster?


SmartReading proves that the faster you read, the more you understand! For most people this goes against their beliefs. The faster we read visually the more enjoyable it is for our brain. When we read slowly, our mind (slightly bored) will look for other things to do. We are no longer focussing on the curricula, our mind sort of falls asleep or wanders off and we start daydreaming. During the training you will notice this and you will find that you start reading with more concentration and comprehension.

How come you can understand more while reading faster?2020-03-27T16:05:24+00:00

The piles of work on my desk give me a lot of stress. Will we learn how to deal with this?


Escapism originates from our ‘oldest brain’, the Reptilian Brain. This behaviour is associated with stress. When you see a lot of work in front of you, your brain reacts with an escape reflex that makes the two brain hemispheres work at half speed, which, as you can imagine, is very slow. During the training you will learn techniques to eliminate this escapist behaviour, which will make it a lot easier for you to do your work. Through SmartReading you will know how to react in certain situations and how to deal with escapist behaviour.

The piles of work on my desk give me a lot of stress. Will we learn how to deal with this?2020-03-27T16:04:17+00:00


Contact Info

Wilsonweg 2, 2182 LR Hillegom - Netherlands

Telefoon: +31.252.518.537

Mobiel: +316.5439.8521

Web: SmartReading

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